as we all know there were many new features that were provided in the Release 12 version, but how many of us know about the modifications(Alterations / Deletions / Replacements) that took place in the existing features. It is really hard to find out the changes made to the existing features, unless otherwise we work on that area. I am making an attempt to cover such existing areas which got modified due to the introduction of new Release 12 features.
In this topic we will discuss about the change that has been made to the Cash Management Setup. As we all know the only setup which one needs to make for the Cash Management
Module is the System Parameter Setup under the navigation
Cash Management Responsibility > Setup > System > System Parameters ( Navigation remains the same for Rel 11 and Rel 12)
In Release 11, under the System Parameters form we have 3 TABS,
TAB 1 = General || TAB 2 = Auto Reconciliation || TAB 3 = Open Interface
Screen Shot of System Parameter Form in Release 11
Whereas in Release 12, under the System Parameters form we have only 2 TABS,TAB 1 = System Controls || TAB 2 = Cash Management Transactions
Screen Shot of System Parameter Form in Release 12
Since there are new tabs are in place for Release 12 versions we will see whether they cover the functions that are being carried out through 3 tabs in Release 11 versions.In Release 11,
General TAB = Receivable Activity , Float Handling, Archive/Purge Options, Matching Order option for AP and AR, Signing Authority Approval.
Auto Reconciliation TAB = Exchange Rate details, Tolerances details
Open Interface TAB = Interface code and Interface matching criteria
In Release 12,
System Controls TAB = Reconciliation Controls, Signing Authority Approval and Archive/Purge Options
Cash Management Transactions TAB = Exchange rate type options, Bank Account Transfer Authorisation type.
If you make a comparison between the above, you will find out almost many features continues to remain the same apart from few which were not appearing in Release 12 , and few which were new in Release 12, we will see what are they now.
Features that were available in Release 11 Cash Management Module but NOT
available in Release 12 Cash Management Module
1) Receivable Activity
2) Float Handling
3) Matching Order option for Payables and Receivables
4) Tolerances Details
5) Interface Code and Interface Matching Criteria
6) Check box for Using Reconciliation Open Interface
In case if you are wondering how cash managment will work without these, there is no need to panic, since all the above metioned features got shifted to different area in Release 12. You can do all these setups while creating Bank Accounts in Release 12.
You will find all these controls under Create Bank Account process ( i.e. after creating a bank and bank branch) in Step 3 which is Account Controls.
Screen Shot of Account Controls page (Bank Account) in Release 12
Features that were NOT available in Release 11 Cash Management Module but
available in Release 12 Cash Management Module
Bank Transfer is a new feature in Cash Managment Module, earlier it was carried out in Treasury modules and by few workarounds in the financial modules. So the below features are in support of bank Transfers.
1) Bank Account Transfer Authorisation Type
2) Bank Transfer Rate Date
To sum up, in Release 12 setting up of cash management is not only limited to System Parameter Form, it also requires Bank Account setups to be done.
And many may argue that System Parameter form is not the only setup in the Cash Management Module, since we need to setup Banks, Payment Methods, Receivable Activities etc etc..., but all these are related setups, whereas System Parameter setup is the one and only setup that can be made in a Cash Management Module and not anywhere else.
Will meet you guys with other features ...